Generations: Nontle’s liver will be the ultimate sacrifice for Ayanda’s betrayal

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Set to the cut-throat, media landscape of the advertising industry, with a storyline that celebrates the dreams and aspirations of South Africans. Ah please? What aspirations?

Generations just loves witchcraft and cults man! On Friday’s episode, Gadaffi found out that Lucy, Tshidi, Detective Malinga and Ayanda swapped Ayanda’s liver for an infected one from the mortuary. This means that they are aware that Oby wanted a piece of Ayanda’s liver and acted ahead to trick her!

Generations annoyed me! Now Gadaffi told his stupid wife that the liver is infected and she didn’t really eat it! And again, evil people win! What the hell is generations trying to say? That witchcraft will always prevail? I mean these people were ahead of Gadaffi and Oby and now they have been caught! Yerrrrrrrrrrr!

On this week’s episodes, Gadaffi kidnaps Ayanda and tells her that they don’t want her liver anymore! Now, they want Nontle’s liver because that will hurt her more. I think that they figured that having Ayanda watching her daughter become a shadow with no soul will remind her of all the damage she did by taking away Oby’s brother!











I personally think this is a ridiculous storyline because Generations loves seeing evil people win. Gadaffi has never paid for his sins yet here he is making Ayanda pay for sins she had to make to survive! Yes witchcraft is real and we see it everyday but there was no need for Generations to rub it in!

Maybe the only thing that will save Ayanda is the fact that Tshidi and Malinga noticed that she is missing and that an organ box was seen heading to Gadaffi’s house and that he possibly has her!

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