Generations actress (Lesedi) pictures in real life

Luyanda Mzazi ( born 28 May 1995) is a South African actress , MC , presenter, voiceover artist . She also earns from being a social media marketer. She has managed to gain the love of the soap opera Generations the Legacy viewers with her role as Lesedi

Lesedi is among the best young talents in South African entertainment industry. She secured her first major acting gig at just 19 years old , although her acting passion goes back to the 8th grade .In real life she works as an ambassador for Caring4girls and Jam( SA) that give food as well as sanitary items among other necessities to needy children . Her popularity on Instagram has allowed her to land brand deals like being the Glam Hair Ambassador to promoting products from brands like Sorbet











She shared that food was a commonality between Luyanda and , her real life personality , and Lisedi on screen .Her amazing talent has given her space on the list of notable personalities in the entertainment industry.