Gail Mabalane touched Mzansi with her moving tribute to Shona Ferguson

The memorial service of Shona Ferguson was held on Friday 06 August after he was buried on the 04 August. Shona died of covid19 complications at Milpark hospital.

Many people where given the chance to speak at the memorial of Uncle Sho. One of the person who talked about the life of Shona Ferguson was his childhood friend DJ Fresh. DJ Fresh says that Shona always stood out where ever they go and in whatever they do. He was always a shining star. One other thing that can be said about Shona was that he loved to dance and that is evident as much of their family videos, he can be seen dancing with his family. Shona’ life should be celebrated because to him, life was a celebration.

One other person who had the opportunity to speak was Gail Mabalane and she touched so many people with her peech. One of the best thing that she said about Uncle Sho was that he wore God very well. He was the best representation of God.

She talked about how Uncle Sho and Mam Connie made her feel when she first came into the industry with Zero experience. Being a small town girl starting in the industry, the first impression that she got from Uncle Sho and Connie Ferguson was that, one can be super confident and, believe in yourself and be humble at the same time. There is no need to be arrogant about it or rub it off on other people.

Mam Connie and Uncle Sho are the best representation of the saying, the two shall become one. If you talk to Uncle Sho about something, you definitely know that Mam Connie will also share the same sentiments. The two were just a power couple.

Many people where moved by what Gail had to say and maybe it could be that she reference God in her speech.