Last year Gail Mabalane opened up about her alopecia diagnosis. The Blood and Water actress, who is married to Kwaito singer Kabelo Mabalane, revealed the news on Instagram after she had posted pictures of herself sporting her bold new look with her head completely bald. She then decided to tell her fans that she was diagnosed with central centrifungal cicatrical alopecia which causes hairloss in black women.
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Fast forward to 2020 and Gail is looking beautiful as ever as she shared pictures of herself sporting her natural hair saying she is grateful for the regrowth of her hairline.This prompted other women to also share their struggles with their hairline including K Naomi who said harilines take so long to grow as she is also waiting for hers to grow back. Coincidentally K Naomi also shared a boomerang of herself with a fresh brush cut a couple of days ago.When Gail first shared her hairloss story she disclosed that at first she tried to remedy the situation at home but eventually consulted a dermatologist because nothing was working.
Gail wrote, “So…Why did I cut my hair? ?? A few months ago I went to the salon for a routine hair wash. To my shock, after my wash, a big chunk of my hair was GONE!!! ?? After a few weeks of “self medicating”, I decided to consult a dermatologist. CCCA – Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia was the diagnosis. Simply put … a very common cause of Alopecia or hair loss in black women. I’m happy to say that the treatment is definitely working and my hair is growing back…so thank goodness…I’ll survive winter. ????”
Gail took the opportunity to empower other women who may be going through the same thing. “So why am I sharing this? Apart from the fact that wearing a wig can get tiring ?? … I wanted to use this opportunity to say to women: if you have any form of hair loss (hairline included), please consult a professional. Had I not gotten the necessary treatment, this could have resulted in permanent hair loss. Sometimes, it’s not hair activator that’s AuthenticConnectionsneeded…but treatment. ?? #OwnYourNarrative #AuthenticConnections