Muvhango actor, Gabriel Temudzani recently turned 42 and decided to celebrate his big day in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Known as Azwindini in Muvhango, Temudzani shared a few images of his birthday in the Middle East, according to those images he shared the man indeed hada good time in Dubai.
One of the images he posted showed him having dinner in the sky with an unidentified female companion. His birthday was on Thursday, February 10th. Being a spectacular occasion, Gabriel posted some images on social media to let us in in his lovely vacation.
It’s clear that the man had the best birthday celebration obe could wish for, from beautiful scenarios to a floating lunch as well as a breakfast in the sky.
So happy was the man in the City of Gold he even challenged his fans to a new dance challenge which he named #TheBoyIsHappy.
Here are the words from the horse’s mouth:
“Guys here goes my happy dance challenge. Let’s see your happy dance challenge video with the caption and hashtag #TheBoyIsHappy.
Like many others who visited Dubai before him, Gabriel didn’t miss the opportunity for a unique desert ride. In this trip to the desert Gabriel wore a full Arabic attire, including the headscarf.
It seems like all the fun in Dubai did not stop the award winning actor who is also a fitness junkie from a routine training session. Azwindini posted a very short clip of himself working out with a beautiful Dubai view as a backdrop.
It is clear that our beloved Chief Azwindini ‘Vafuwi’ Mukwevho had a great time and made unforgettable memories in the United Arab Emirates judging by all his posts.