Ever since the news broke out this Wednesday morning, a lot of Scandal fans have took to social media in numbers send in their words of courage and strength as he continues to fight his life-threatening disease.
According to various media reports, Clint Brink famously known for his former role called Tino Martins, on one of South Africa’s leading Television shows, Scandal, has recently told Daily sun of his ongoing struggles with one of the most painful diseases that anyone can wish upon their enemies.
Clint Brink has recently opened up on his struggles with a disease called Psoriasis. Which is a painful disease that can turn your skin into a fish skin if left untreated- and if left without proper treatment; the patient or victim can lose their life.
“It began in my arms, but at the time i did not pay much attention to it as i thought that maybe it might be an allergic reaction to something i ate, but it got worse and worse and that is when i went to seek medical attention” said the former Scandal Actor.