Former SABC radio presenter who was fired last year joined a community radio station

South African most love radio presenter returns back the airwaves after he was fired by one of the SABC best commercial radio station Metro FM.

According to the source radio veteran Mo G has finally finds a new home, many were shock when he was fired by Metro FM last season. The source revealed that Mo G has joined Joburg community radio station Mix 93.8FM.


Mo G told the source that he’s very excited to be back on radio and he said after he was kicked out by Metro FM he said there’s no day that has pass without thinking about radio.

The strong voice radio presenter joined the radio station on Monday the 2th of February to host the afternoon drive every Mondays to Fridays from 3-6am

He said being back on radio excites him because he missed being on radio and not a day would go past without him not thinking about radio. The presenter said he is honoured to be a part of Mix 93.8 and promise the listeners that they will enjoy the show