Former Gomora actress, Connie Chiume contemplates to take her own life.

Veteran actress Connie Chiume surprised everyone by sharing a personal chapter from her life – a time when she and the idea of a friendly rope were almost on a first-name basis. Playing MamSonto in Gomora, she spilled the beans at Siyabonga Zubane’s memorial, revealing that back in ’87, after losing her daughter while feeding her, she had a real tug-of-war with dark thoughts. A close call that thankfully ended with some powerful prayers!







But Connie Chiume didn’t stop there – she let loose a wake-up call wrapped in wit. She wasn’t just concerned about the latest fashion trends, but also about the trend of young folks taking a step off the cliff. In her words, it’s like a pesky demon on a youth hunt! She fired up a conversation about handing over the baton without losing the runners, highlighting that the struggle isn’t just backstage, it’s on the stage of life itself.