After failing to make the top five, and just a month after being evicted from the Big brother house. It seems this certain models career has took off and she is banging deals right, left and center. Nale made the top 10 at Big Brother Mzansi season 3. Things are flying for her after it has come to our attention that she scored herself a deal to be on the cover of Bellagio Jewellers advertising their engagements rings.
It seems the tale does not only end there as one of the Avon customers revealed and gave people a glimpse that Naledi Mogadime will feature in their may edition where she will advertise new jewellery and Merchandise. [ Source:
Naledi seems to be enjoying her life from the Big Brother house as gigs keep flowing in left, right and center for the model. A brief overview of brands she worked with includes Nivea, Steers, Yardley, Woolworths, Miladys and many more