Flo Masebe unimpressed with coronavirus WhatsApp service not including more languages

Florence Masebe is concerned that government's Covid-19 WhatApp service has included a limited number of languages to help South Africans during the pandemic.Florence Masebe is concerned that government’s Covid-19 WhatApp service has included a limited number of languages to help South Africans during the pandemic.
Image: Via Florence Masebe Instagram
Veteran actress Florence Masebe has raised her concern about government’s Covid-19 WhatsApp service using limited languages to reach South Africans.

The actress shared her views on Twitter about how the WhatsApp service leaving out some languages will result in some communities being left behind regarding the latest on the pandemic.

This was brought to the actress’ attention after she was tagged in a post that revealed that languages such as Xitsonga and Tshivenda were not included in the service.

Being a proud Venda woman, Mme Florence said: “It does not sit well with me that the WhatsApp service left other languages out. As if the virus discriminates.Since the coronavirus arrived in South Africa, the actress has been vocal to help her followers cope during the pandemic.

Last week she called on those who struggle with asthma not to panic.

As an asthma sufferer herself, she spoke about the damage that panic can cause.

After opening the conversation, she advised those who were elderly and had the condition to stay at home. She also advised inhalers were their best friends right now.