Currently, There is a war between Nkunzi and mageba, since Nkunzi decided to save his wife,mageba wants to finish with Nkunzi because he felt like Nkunzi disrespected him,but now he is weak because he lost one gang and sabhuza and Nkunzi are biggest friends,so it is easy for sabhuza to choose Nkunzi over his uncle.
Nkunzi made his choice to fight mageba because he realised that mageba won’t forgive him after what he did to him,and Sbu is also angry because of what mageba did to him,so he is willing to do a Revenge,and sebonelo and njiza are also wants to help.
Mageba should be careful about sabhuza, because sabhuza might not be involved and it will be easy for Nkunzi to destroy mageba, mageba stop sabhuza to stop communicating with Nkunzi but he Failed, sabhuza always protecting Sbu when they wants to finish about him because he knows that he was a Nkunzis soldierNkunzi acted fast and mageba not prepared himself for fight because he thinks that Nkunzi will always running from him,but this time he might be wrong because Nkunzi fight back.
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Content created and supplied by: Mrnyaope