Find Out Who Meikie Mapulta Shot Dead On Skeem Saam

Last night’s episode ended in a shock for many Skeem Saam lovers and many are asking who did meikie shoot and where did she find her gun?
Ever since the scandalous news about who Zamo’s re father is meikie has been a mess and being controlled by anger because her best friend betrayed her.

Last night when the DNA tests proved that indeed Zamo’s is John’s son, Meiki came out of nowhere and out of anger she fired shots which MaNtuli jumped in front of. The gun was aimed at Zamo while John was consoling him, now viewers are confused and wondering who was shoot and who might have died.

On today’s episode Meikies actions will shock the whole community of Turfloop and many will be left in tears and sis Ouma will be devasted when she finds out about her friends recent tragedy.

Who could Meiki have shot? And did MaNtuli save her son from the bullets? Find out in tonight’s episode