Find out how much Musa Mseleku forks out for monthly groceries if you may be considering polygamy

Musa Mseleku is one of the most common living polygamists in South Africa. If you were thinking that a polygamy is a child’s play , then you have to think twice about that when you find out how much Musa spends on a monthly basis for groceries.




An report that was compiled by Herald Live brought to light how much Musa Mseleku spends on his big family on a monthly basis.Musa reportedly opened up on how much he spends on groceries on a monthly basis .The information will go a long way towards enlightening those who may wish to be polygamists.

The report highlighted that Musa Mseleku spends up to R30 000 monthly for the groceries.It was claimed that some basics like including cooking oil cost up to R4500.When cleaning materials are added , the amount goes up to about R6000.Mseleku went on and said that he could be underestimating the actual figures , but about R30 000 is spent monthly.

These remarks were reportedly made by the polygamist on a program by Old Mutual called ‘ Head of Financial Education ‘ .The revelations were made when the host of the program John Manyike asked Musa Mseleku how much he spent monthly on his family.It was added by Musa that although he was the sole provider of his family , his wives do assist financially when necessary.

It can be noted that polygamy is not about the man being the sole provider financially.Looking at the case of Musa Mseleku , he confirmed that he was the main breadwinner , but his wives also assist financially. Polygamy is all about team work as noted with Musa Mseleku.

Another lesson that can be noted about polygamy for those who wish to indulge in it is that there is need for financial stability as one of the conditions. One can’t be in a polygamous relationship when he is financially insecure.