Fezile’s Aunty took off her underwear and throw it to Maseko’s face #Umndeni

Fezile brings some good news from his family. Will the Masekos’ apology be accepted by Fezile’s family. Fezile is not looking well and she explained the outcomes of the meeting she had with her family. She explained how her family wants Dabula to come and ask for forgiveness as she kicked Fezile’s uncle in the previous season. They all agreed that they can’t live with Fezile while they’re not in good terms with her family. Sunday is the day they all going to Fezile’s family.


Sunday finally arrived and Maseko and his wife at Fezile’s home to go apologise for the inconvenience that happened in the previous. Maseko is also carrying chicken as an token of apologising. Fezile’s family insulted Maseko and his wife and they made it a point they don’t want them inside their home. Fezile tried so hard to calm his family until they agreed to let the Maseko’s.

Fezile’s family feels that Maseko apologising with chickens is an insult to her family. Dabula asked for forgiveness on what she did and also bought a bottle of alcohol and a jacket.

The other lady removed her underwear and throw it on Maseko’s face. Maseko ran away and tried to defend himself with a stone but ended up throwing it away. Fezile’s is totally hurt and can’t take what is happening but just breakdown. All she wanted was peace between the two families.