Fans Woried After Bobo Mbhele Gets Ambassador Gigs People are getting exploited left right and centre

Bobo Mbhele is definitely one of South Africa’s current rising stars. With his vivacious and chatty personality, Bobo has captured the hearts of many and has acquired himself a large following. This has scored him various ambassadorial gigs from companies eager to work with a starlet that is Bobo, he is a force to be reckoned with!Post main image

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Daily Sun has revealed that Bobo is an ambassador for a fitness company based in Durban called JDP, who recently launched their newest addition to their fitness range, the digi-smart bench.

Bobo has become hot property on social media with his slogan “Ilwa Ntomboo.” The social media star rose to fame a few years ago with his video where he called himself a slay queen and advised girls to vigilant as he would take their men.

Putting his game face on, the Ilwa Ntomboo hitmaker told the publication the many reasons why people with disabilities, like him, as well as sportsmen would benefit from the product, “A digi-smart bench is the first of its kind in the world, manufactured here in South Africa. It’s particularly designed for sportspeople as well as those living with disabilities.”

What makes it different from all other gym products is the fact that it uses a mobile app. This means the user does not have to manually control it. Instead, he or she can simply adjust it using a mobile app. As an ambassador of the digi-smart bench, I can confidently say this product is comfortable, safe and user-friendly,” he told the publication.

A JDP spokesperson said they specifically chose Bobo because his celebrity status is growing rapidly . “We were looking for someone who can appeal to the market, hence we chose Bobo.”

Bobo is also working with a health brand called Xiangzhiling which seeks to boost the immune system especially at a time where many are battling the Coronavirus.

“Like they have mentioned before, the second wave of COVID-19 has arrived, we have to strengthen our immune system. I am always around a massive crowd, therefore Xiangzhiling products help me with giving me extra energy,” he wrote on Instagram.

Even with these ambassadorial deals coming his way, many of his supporters are not entirely satisfied saying his team is using him. If you may recall, a viral video which circulated all over Twitter and Facebook, saw Bobo’s manager talking to his two sisters, and the tone which was used sent chills down people’s spines.

His manager was addressing the issue of unpaid royalties that were meant for Bobo, washing his hands clean of all rumours that he is the one exploiting the young star. Many were led to believe that Bobo’s management and family are abusing him financially. His facial expression and body language as well as the tone Bobo’s sister used when talking to him, were all indicative of that.

There was a wide speculation that his sister allegedly used his grant money to buy alcohol. Of course that rumour has not been proven however social media always speculates.