Fans shower Big Brother Titans winner Kgosi with big bucks

When Kgosi Twala entered Big Brother Titans, she was an ordinary journalist who had dreams of crafting her name among the best in the industry.

Kgosi did not think that she would eventually win the show and her life has greatly changed since that moment.




Kgosi’s fans are on a mission to show her some love and they have already gathered some of their monies to shower her with some pricey gifts.

After receiving a R50,000 cheque, shoes, bags and all expenses paid spa dates from her fans, she was gifted a bouquet of flowers, jewellery, facial treatment gift cards, a night’s stay at the luxurious DaVinci Hotel in Sandton, as well as another R100,000 cheque gathered by her 11 Twitter followers from other countries.

She has suddenly become a global stardom and this shows just how someone life can just change by entering a reality show.

The humble Kgosi said that she is grateful for the money that had been coming in as it has helped her to adjust to the new lifestyle she is now living.

“I got messages from people congratulating me, telling me they love me and I shouldn’t pay attention to negative energy. Some people don’t like the spotlight, but send things to me or money to my account, from 10/20k, the love is insane.”

She added that she hoped to grow her foundation and also give some hope to people who find themselves in dire situations.