Fans react to Somizi and Vusi Nova in matching outfits, which he says they didn’t plan.

Somizi is one of the bubbly personalities in the entertainment industry. There’s never a dull moment with him. Fans always look forward to Sunday’s because then they would see his extravagant outfit because he hardly does normal. And he didn’t disappoint. He had on a red Bob weave and long nails. His outfit was beautiful.

Him and singer Vusi Nova are very close friends. These too are so close sometimes it is hard to believe that Vusi can handle his personality. For a long time fans thought these too are dating but no they are just friends. Vusi’s sexuality has also been questioned and he has been mum about it. 

They bestfriends are attending a gig together at Cofi Brooklyn. Somizi went there right after Idols, still in his outfit. He found Vusi in the same colours of his outfit. And he had to make sure he tells his fans that it was not planned simply a coincidence. 

Content created and supplied by: PennyM (via Opera News )
