Fans react to Sho Madjozi doing four hairstyles in a day.

Being a woman is not easy. Going to work, house chores and looking after themselves is not an easy thing. Most people don’t know the amount job women go through into making sure they look as beautiful as they do. Like they “bo botse bo a berekelwa”, meaning to be beautiful you have work for it.

Sho Madjozi is a singer and songwriter. She is not only known for her music, also her hair movement. She’s one of the female celebrities that have captured the hearts of small girls with her hairstyles. They literally want to do all of her colorful hairstyles.

She has shared pictures of herself with four different hairstyles that she did for play. She did all the styles in a day. Anyone who has plaited their hair knows how painful it is. But singer revealed that it wasn’t. They actual didn’t pull it hard. We command her for such bravery. Doing one style is hard as it is. Imagine four the whole day.