Evelyn told Carol and Rosinah to respect Thobakgale and they apologized and promised to change

Evelyn told Carol and Rosinah to respect Thobakgale and they apologized and promised to change

Carol and Rosina have been gossiping about Mam Thobakgale ever since she came to teach at Turf High. They were also disrespecting her.





Today they were busy talking about her while she was in the staff room. Thobakgale got fed up and stood up to let them know that when they have anything say, they should say it in her face and not behind her back. She then left.

Evelyn was there, she witnessed everything and after Thobakgale left, she went to speak with Carol and Rosina. She told them that their behaviour was unacceptable and that they should learn to respect other teachers and other human beings.

She also told them that what they did was wrong. Rosina apologized and told Evelyn that she was embarrased. She also promised to change. Meanwhile, Alfred has been eavesdropping on their conversation. He could see that Evelyn is a good leader but he does not want to accept it.