Eunice Got Herself In Big Trouble See How Lehasa Is Going To Deal With Her

Directly following finding the information about Lehasa, Eunice sends him a note. Eunice will be the one getting Fanie’s value taking everything into account. Eunice was starting to have a nearby association with Fanie before he was killed.





Various watchers have underestimated Eunice anyway it appears like she understands how to put forth a valiant effort. Lehasa won’t see this one coming beyond question. Lehasa got such endless enemies, presently he doesn’t have even the remotest clue who is after him. I figure he might feel that Nothile’s father yet he doesn’t seem, by all accounts, to be sure in light of everything.

Lehasa thought he has progressed forward from Fanie yet past has a strategy for uncovering itself. As of now he wants to research to acknowledge who really sent the note under his doorway. Getting some data about it will be the waste of time since she is everything except an enduring darling.