Eskom’s system ’fully constrained and running at risk’

Eskom has declared that Stage 2 burden shedding will proceed to Saturday because of more plant disappointments and upkeep accumulation.

The power utility was additionally as yet managing a huge framework upkeep excess.

The power utility declared the execution of burden shedding this week because of a breakdown of Medupi Unit 3 on Monday evening.

Head Operating Officer at Eskom Jan Oberholzer told the media during a Tuesday instructions that they anticipate that three units should get back to support before the finish of Tuesday and four extra units constantly.

“Be that as it may, we as a whole know the capriciousness of the generators,” he said.

Oberholzer said that because of the capriciousness, Eskom will go on with Stage 2 burden shedding up until Saturday.


Oberholzer said since Monday morning, units at the Matla, Kendal, Matimba, Kusile and Grootvlei power stations stumbled while a unit each at Arnot and Hendrina power stations had to close down.

He said the complete misfortune by 4pm on Monday was 4500 MegaWatts.

“It is hard to believe, but it is true,” he said.

“This, in addition to other units that had tripped during the weekend, reduced available generation capacity, forcing Eskom to rely heavily on emergency generation reserves to keep the lights on,” it said.

Oberholzer said its system was fully constrained, and they were running the system with units that were at risk.

“It is inconsistent in light of the fact that we haven’t gotten the opportunity to do support and do it appropriately. Just a single unit was the place where there were issues where we might have improved, and we will check whether there will be any outcome the board,” he added.