Enyobeni eyewitness breaks his silence ‘Someone offered me Jägermeister. Look who it was?

On the night that 21 young people died and others were transported to the hospital, an Enyobeni pub patron from Scenery Park, East London, leaped out of a window. Nkululeko Alam disclosed to TimesLIVE that he knew three of the deceased, one family member. Sunday night’s disorder in the club was the subject of his discussion.


“Three acquaintances of mine had died there. One of them passed away while I was observing. Someone gave the other individual a Savannah after she expressed thirst. After three hours, she fell asleep and became unconscious. I am related to one of the deceased. In 12th grade, she attended Alphendale. Even today, her mother continues to weep.” Alam stated that when people began shouting and fleeing from the Enyobeni pub, the bouncers did nothing to assist. “I was inside. I noticed a large amount of Jagermeister on the table when I arrived. Someone offered me some. The final victim was the person seated at the head of the table.

“The door was secured by doormen. How could the person on top of the table have been trampled if it was a stampede, as some people claim? I sprang out of the window.” The incident is being investigated by the police. However, many residents of the community are upset that the tavern may reopen. Alam is one of many individuals who believe the innkeeper should be punished for what occurred.

“I may have been among the deceased. If tear gas had been present, I could have suffocated to death. However, I did not smell tear gas. However, the owner of the establishment must inform the deceased’s families of what transpired.” The owner of the bar has no right to address the patrons in such a manner. Due to this, I believe the establishment should be closed. He is claiming that the bar will reopen. Our pals are gone.”