Actress Enhle Mbali recently shared that she has resumed her martial arts training after putting it on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a social media follower teased her by suggesting that she should have a boxing match with Connie Ferguson to entertain people, similar to what Cassper Nyovest did. Enhle Mbali was quick to shut down the suggestion, saying that she can only entertain people with her acting skills and not boxing.
Enhle Mbali’s Training Journey Enhle Mbali is known to be an advocate for healthy living, and she often shares her fitness routines on social media. In her recent post, the actress revealed that she has resumed her martial arts training after a long break due to the pandemic.
The post was accompanied by a video of her performing various martial arts moves in the gym. “Finally back to my mixed martial arts training after a long break due to the pandemic. It’s only week one, but I’m loving it already,” she captioned the post.
The Boxing Match Challenge One social media user, however, teased Enhle Mbali by suggesting that she should have a boxing match with Connie Ferguson to entertain people. Connie Ferguson is also doing boxing training and has been sharing videos of herself on social media.
Enhle Mbali was quick to respond to the suggestion, saying that both she and Connie are not the type to have a boxing match. She also pointed out that she is doing mixed martial arts (MMA) and not boxing.
“I think both her and I will agree that we’re not that type. Also if you correctly read the caption, you will understand that I’m doing MMA and not boxing. Also it is week one of my MMA training. I also don’t live to entertain you. I will entertain you through my craft,” Enhle wrote.
Enhle Mbali’s Love for Martial Arts Enhle Mbali has always been a fitness enthusiast and has shared her love for martial arts in the past. She has been doing martial arts for years and has even shared her fitness journey on her YouTube channel.
I started martial arts because I wanted to lose weight, and I just wanted to do something that’s active, and it’s not just about the weight loss, but it’s about discipline, and it’s about self-defence,” she said.
Enhle Mbali is not the only celebrity who is into martial arts. Rapper Cassper Nyovest is also a martial arts enthusiast and has even organized boxing matches with other celebrities in the past. However, it seems that Enhle Mbali is not interested in following in Cassper’s footsteps, and she would rather focus on entertaining people through her craft as an actress.