Enhle Mbali, an actress and entrepreneur, celebrated her 34th birthday by posting a sultry black and white photo of herself in her birthday suit on social media. She acknowledged her thankfulness for her “spirit choosing the way it did” as she pondered on her life. “It wasn’t an easy task, but it was a fantastic one nonetheless. I awoke today feeling the happiest, calmest, most beautiful, sexiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled I’ve ever felt. Father God, thank you for the voyage! She added, “And another year of life.”
In the comments section of Enhle Mbali’s post, other celebrities Lorna Maseko, Pearl Modiadie, Celeste Ntuli, Mabatho Montsho, Salamina Mosese, and others wished her a happy birthday. Her birthday comes just two weeks after her son Anesu turns 11 years old. Enhle Mbali posted a video montage on her Instagram profile to celebrate his birthday. Enhle Mbali has been focusing on healing from the pain of her divorce and honing her craft as an actress since the news of her divorce made headlines over a year ago.
She has also starred in Showmax’s Sesotho romcom, Safe Bet, since reprising her role in Ferguson Films’ Rockville. Pearl, the most sought after attorney in the country, is played by Enhle Mbali in the film. Her achievement, however, comes at the expense of her love life. “When Pearl’s boyfriend dumps her right before the Christmas family gathering, her mother drags her to church for some divine intervention.”
She receives a life-changing prophecy about who she’ll marry: a man with the surname Dlamini. Will Pearl, on the other hand, follow her heart or the prophecy?” She co-stars with Jerry Mofokeng’s son, Lerato Makhetha (Isidingo), Cedric Fourie (Skeem Saam, Durban Gen), and SAFTA winner Charmaine Mtinta (Scandal!, Yizo Yizo).