Emtee’s Friend Has People Worried After He Said This

Now, it is unfortunate that people are starting to assume the worst after a recent tweet that came from one of rapper, Emtee’s signee and friend, Lolli Native.

It was quite worrying that there was no direct response to update the concerned supporters about how the rapper has been doing.

As you might already know, the rapper has been trending after his wife claimed that he beat her on Valentine’s day, he has been the talk of the town since Friday.

We are yet to get the full story from both parties, however, you might have seen that a lot of people have concluded that Emtee is a monster that beat up his wife, who is expecting their third child.

The cancel culture fuelers are already in full swing, they have concluded that Emtee is an abuser and that is just based on limited information.

Emtee has denied the allegations made by his wife, a fan asked him on Twitter if he beat his wife and his response was that he did not.

And at this point, it is all about who you choose to believe, but also understand that we do not have the facts.

Things are not always as they seem, you would not want to be on the side of people who are saying all sorts of things about Emtee, just to find out that he never put a finger on his wife.

Again, one would kind of understand why people would be quick to assume that Emtee did what he is accused of.

When his wife was trying to show a picture of her bruised and swollen face on his Instagram live, Emtee immediately moved his wife’s phone away as if he had something to hide.

But, the fact he did not want the wife to show the picture for the whole country to see does not prove that Emtee is a wife beater.





Emtee is obviously hurt by all of this and he has not tweeted anything since yesterday and people were rightfully worried when Native posted the tweet he posted.

Some wanted to know how the rapper was doing, we now live in a world where people just want to bring you down to a point where you feel like you have nothing left.

Just as much as there are people who support the wife, there are people who support Emtee and we will have to wait and see what happens.