EFF leaders could never do what you are doing” | Malema Mocked After Gayton McKenzie Did This

A lot of South Africans have put their political views aside and showed their appreciate and gratitude towards Patriotic Alliance leader and Central Karoo Mayor Gayton McKenzie, this is because Gayton McKenzie has recently been very busy delivering services to the people of Central Karoo ever since he was appointed as their new Mayor, and yesterday Gayton McKenzie even unveiled a new tar manufacturing plant in Central Karoo..



However, a lot of people are seeing Gayton McKenzie’s achievements as a way to expose other political parties like the African National Congress (ANC) and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) for their poor service delivery, and EFF leader Julius Malema was also mocked by a lot of people for being exposed by Gayton McKenzie, one person even posted a picture of Julius Malema sitting down with a caption that says ”I am defeated”, and this is what some other people said…

“Service delivery is foreign to the ANC and their son EFF, hence their jealousy towards your achievements”

“Your exposing them .they hv been lying to country about delivery.”