Durban star Dladla Mshunqisi gets bully comments concerning his weight

Social media is one of the easiest method of communication, and a source of entertainment. Majority of youth have social networks on their phones and they rarely spend a day without checking in. Despite it’s powerful entity in bringing cheap and fast communication, social media has become a toxic environment where people get bullied.





The unfair part of bullying is that if a celebrity bullies a nobody, he will lose it all and companies will be quick to distance themselves from him, but if mere people bully a celebrity, nothing is done to them. Heavy K and Makhadzi among many, have been bullied for their looks on social media.

Dladla Mshunqisi was celebrating New Year’s holiday, when he posted some beautiful pictures on Facebook. People were quick to tell him about his weight and stressed that he should stop eating too much as if his big body is all about eating. To other people who may be reading the comments, it may look like a joke but to Dladla, it’s not