Dumi Mkokstad reveals how he nearly committed suicide

The issue of celebrities taking their own lives is becoming huge now. Perhaps people were taking it slightly but the death of the music icon,Riky Rick, opened many people’s eyes.

Just like kwaito artist, L’vovo said, Covid-19 won’t kill us, any sickness won’t kill us but depression will kill us.

Many people thinks that celebrities are having it easy, they are not encountering such obstacles and it turns out that they do. Afterall, they are humans.

We have seen how celebrities ends up taking their lives after battling with depression.

The gospel singer, Dumi Mkokstad, is the latest celebrity to come out and say at some point in his life, he battled depression.

Dumi made it clear that he was not in any position to judge.





He was saying this as he cleared the air about a suicide tweet that rubbed tweeps the wrong way.

In a now- deleted tweet, Dumi wrote: Suicide isn’t the solution. Christ is.

The Mbize hitmaker, sets the record straight about his “misunderstood tweet.”

He wrote: Because I have been through depression I wrote tweets yesterday with the #RIKYRICK_I_UNDERSTAND because I have been there and was on the verge of committing suicide myself. Therefore I can never judge anyone who ends up taking their lives because I know exactly what they’re facing.

Maybe let’s start here. I have been through depression myself and would never understand anyone’s reaction to it. People deal with situations differently and I will never judge anyone who may go through that.

Dumi explained that he was simply sharing what had helped him when he was battling depression.