Drake gifts Black Coffee a brand new Bentley worth R11 million. He is in disbelief. Christmas gift.

The South Africa star has made it public that the American star Drake gifted him with a brand new car on a Christmas day. He announced this on social media. People are engaging and show how delighted they are to receive such news.Screenshot cred: twitter.

Black Coffee who is one of the best Dj’s in South Africa has made headlines again. His music is appreciated by a lot of people, not only South Africans, but world wide. He has had many international gigs that he performed with distinction. Screenshot cred: twitter.

People were impressed to see the type of relationship he has with some of the American stars. America is the global power, it leads the world with many things. Good music is from the Americans and people around the world idolize the American singers.Screenshot cred: twitter.

It shows that Black Coffee is one of the best in the world, to be recognized by the American stars. His friendship with Drake is growing bigger and bigger. They are very close and share many things. Their music is great and appreciated across the globe. Screenshot cred: twitter.

These are good news to the South Africans, as they know that Black Coffee is the son of their soil. They are proud of him and wish him to achieve more and represent South Africa world wide. Screenshot cred: twitter.

This is the best gift any person can receive on a Christmas day. Black Coffee is delighted and could not wait any longer to show his fans on twitter. He mentioned Drake on his post and gave thanks to him. He is happy that he is having a brand new car on a Christmas day.Screenshot cred: twitter.

It should be recalled that Black Coffee is wealthy too. Surely he can afford this car. But for the fact that his friend bought it for him, it is the reason why he is showing it to everyone. This is appreciation on another level.ImageScreenshot cred: twitter.

Drake will gain some love and trust from the South Africans. This is a way in which his fan base will escalate. They are going to listen to his music more, as they show love for what he has done for their county man.