Dr Musa Mthombeni leaves his fans in stitches with his matching nose ring with his wife.

Couples always influence each other. It is like any friendship, you are bound to rub off each other’s qualities here and there. It is the cutest because couples end up looking alike or having slight resemblances to each other. It is true when they say that love will drive you crazy.





Dr Musa Mthombeni has always had jokes on his sleeves but since he married his beautiful wife Liesel Laurie, he has been worse. The television presenter and professional doctor always leaves his fans in stitches with his captions. But mostly his love for his wife is everything.

Liesel has a nose ring, what his fans didn’t anticipate was Musa also getting one. He shared pictures of them together with their nose rings. His caption left his fans dead with laughter as always. He hinted on getting a tattoo as well. Musa is a whole mood and more. Liesel is blessed to have him as a husband.