Dr Malinga’s producer involved in a car accident

Goodwill Malinga popularly known as Dr Malinga is a 42 year-old musician from Hammaskraal in Gauteng province. One of his best songs is the hit track Via Orlando. He is known for his crazy dance moves and ‘kicks’. Malinga wears suits in an informal way, making them look simple and easy.




He has got many followers on social media who supports his music career. Whenever he shares something, they comment on it and help I’m sharing where possible. Should it be the loss of a loved one, they send their Condolences.

Dr Malinga recently shared some said news on Facebook. It is about someone close to him who was involved in a car accident. Malinga referred to the person as his producer. According to the statement issued the producer survived the accident and is recovering. See his picture below :

Facebookers wished the producer a speedy recovery. One thing admirable about Facebook users is that they can be funny or act stupid at times but in serious matters like this they don’t hesitate to sympathize with one another. Wishing him a speedy recovery.