Does Somizi Have A Spending Problem?

Success can be measured by a lot of things, some say its in the materials things you purchase and some say its in the investments you make.

Having a particular lifestyle can also be measured as a sign of success. A lot of people who have a lot of money don’t mind spending their money.

Having a lot of cash gives you the freedom to do a lot of things and also buy a lot of things. Now how do we establish when someone is a shopperholic?

Well thats quite easy, they simply have to get their hands on everything they see. These would be buying things they don’t necessarily need.

Some people just love buying things because they just want them and not because they need them, but when does one draw the line with what they spend their money on?

Let’s take a look at one particular person who might just have a spending problem. The one person who just to have to have high end brands all the time.

That would be our very own Somizi Mhlongo-Motaung. The last few years have been very kind to him as far as success is concerned. He has been working hard and making a lot of money.

Somizi is multi talented and now it is paying off and he is living his best life. He is a judge on Idols, he has a radio show on Metro FM, he has his own cooking show and now he just released a song and a cook book amongst other things he does so well.


Things have been going very well for him so far. What we have also seen about Somizi over the last few years is that he is very much brand conscious.

That means that he loves brands. You will never see him wearing something that is not branded or expensive, he is also a big supporter of local brands.

Here’s a thing about Somizi, he might have a serious shopping problem. This is something we might have all seen with him. Its not just the clothes but also everything else.

His cars, he only owns expensive cars and now recently we have seen that he also loves SMEG appliances. He has all but the Smeg Gucci fridge which he said was too expensive, even for him.

Judging from all the things he has bought in the last year, its very clear that Somizi is a shopperholic. He is addicted to shopping. He has a new office and the first thing we notice is a new SMEG fridge.

Such is a life of someone who loves his brands and cannot be with without.