Does SA Hip Hop Contribute To Gender Based Violence?

Gender Based Violence against women and children has been an on-going crisis especially in South Africa.

According to the minister of police, Bheki Cele, during the first week of lockdown they have recorded 87,000 cases of gender-based violence. These figures were alarming even for a country that is leading in terms of femicide rates.

ZAlebs all over the country have lent their voices towards the cause. Black Coffee even organised a march in Soweto calling on men to put a stop to the violence.

Amongst many things that contribute to this global matter, Hip/Hop has been identified by a few to be one of the contributing factors to this ‘pandemic.’.

Rouge rapper sat down with rapper PH Raw on IG Live and they discussed how their genre which has grown to become one of the largest cultures in music, influences gender based violence.

Rouge has always dedicated her time to talk about societal issues and this time it’s no different.

Foul language, portrayal of women in music videos and the lyrics are some of the things they touched on.

“Seems so many female rappers, if not all, have adopted the title – ‘b***h. I’ve never been comfortable with that word, using it or hearing it… but it hits more when I hear women calling each other that…the same way we call each other nigga. I fear we loosing the plot. Do you understand that we men treat women the way racist treat blacks people?” asked PH Raw.