do you thinks Gomora’s Sannah Mchunu deserves an Oscar

Sannah MchunuGomora’s Sannah Mchunu has kept Mzansi hooked with her captivating acting skills on the Mzansi Magic hit telenovela.

Sana Mchunu plays the hilarious and bullheaded Zodwa Zondi who is an alcoholic and has a messy life. She could not take care of her son Teddy, therefore Gladys and Melusi took him in as their own.

She’ll stop at nothing to get him back and her determination is applauded by fans. Sana Mchunu has opened up about how much she relates to Zodwa as they have both endured the same difficulties and pain life brings.

The multi-talented actress has Mzansi laughing weekly and often quoting her hogwash statements. It is safe to say that Mzansi simply adores Zodwa and appreciate the woman behind the character even more.


The multi-talented actress has Mzansi laughing weekly and often quoting her hogwash statements. It is safe to say that Mzansi simply adores Zodwa and appreciate the woman behind the character even more.

“My children live with their father and that does not sit well with me. The way Zodwa is damaged makes me want to work hard to bring this character to life as I have gone through the exact ordeals as her,” she told Isolezwe.Sannah Mchunu

Sannah Mchunu