Dladla Mshunqisi’s latest pictures

 Mshunqisi Dladla is a well-known South african artist, his real name is Anele Dladla. The South african artist was born at KwaMashu, one of the well-known townships in Durban.

Talking about the most entertaining artists in the country, DladlaMshunqisi has managed to entertain his fans a lot, by just screaming, which is something that they love a most about him.

Dladla Mshunqisi recently celebrated his 30th birthday not so long ago, it was on the 30th of November this year. He hosted his birthday party, where there were quite a lot of celebrities and also his family members.

The 30-year old is also the son of the well-known taxi owner at KwaMashu township, Sese Dladla. Besides from being on stage, Mshunqisi also likes being in the kitchen a lot as he enjoys cooking, together with his family. He also has plans about being a chef. Check out Dladla’s pictures: