DJ Tira replied to a fans comment on his wife picture on instagram, they laughed at him.

So DJ Tira replied to a fans comment on his wife’s picture on instagram. A lot of fans and followers of both DJ Tira and his wife Gugu Khathi are laughing at this reply. This fan basically asked if Gugu Khathi has a boyfriend or not, DJ Tira did not waste any more time and replied to that comment and said ‘phola baba’. People are laughing at that and it is so sweet of DJ Tira to show the whole world that he loves his wife so much. This following is a screen shot of DJ Tira’s comment on his wife’s picture :

Some fans were just there to laugh at his response, it really is funny how he said it. But it also shows that this fan does not know who Gugu Khathi is because if he knew he would not ask if she has a boyfriend or not, she is married. What is your take on DJ Tira’s funny response?