DJ Maphorisa shares pictures with a beautiful outfit. Check more pictures

DJ Maphorisa left South Africa for Europe for his international tour. Many South Africans are going on worldwide tours and it is becoming a norm. From Amapiano to house music, It is a life-changing moment for anyone going to Europe. Being around local is good, but going international, it can’t be the ultimate to perform around the globe.


He is always working on his swagger all the time. He is one of those people being checked for how many clothes they are wearing. It is only a matter of time until he gets to the list, usually by Musa Khuwula. He is the one who shares the cost of what the famous people are wearing.


How he does it is fascinating, because some of the clothes are not easy to get the brand seen which they are wearing. But then he does it and he does not disappoint. Even when you cross reference his information by checking if they match, you will find that he is sharing the right information about famous people’s lifestyles. It is also forgotten at the moment what he went through.






He accused DJ Sbu of stealing awards from Zahara’s house. He never did. DJ Sbu said Musa should delete the tweet within two hours. He never did. On DJ Sbu’s later podcast, he said he changed his mind when he flew from Cape Town to Johannesburg and Musa Khuwula is the new person on the scene and he is getting something out of it.


Surely Maphorisa will get a new drip when he gets to the store where he will be. He loves fashion and it will be within his tradition to get new, expensive clothes. Amapiano is a much loved lifestyle at the moment, more than any other music genre in South Africa at the moment. Every part of the country is about Amapiano, even though some people don’t like it.