On Twitter, a man called The Instigator posted and said that Dj Maphorisa has been granted bail of R4000 after his girlfriend, Thuli Phongolo, withdrew the case, which has since been remanded to June 14. His post caused a stir as it went viral, and a lot of people responded in many different ways to the post and what he said. The Instigator said that for clarification, Thuli Phongolo has issued a withdrawal statement, but the magistrate told the accused that bail conditions remain effective until the charges are officially withdrawn, so the charges are not officially withdrawn. Mafungwase said that it is a waste of state resources that could have been used for people who really need the law on their side.
They said domestic violence is a Schedule 05 matter, and as far as they know, the complainant does not have the power to withdraw the case without approval from the senior public prosecutor. Makwela said that he knew that was going to happen; sometimes women just fail themselves because they help someone who helps themselves first. He said that it is sad that abuse motives repeat themselves in every household and that women always defend abusers. They said that domestic violence cases are not dropped as easily anymore. Most victims are intimidated into withdrawing, so the court has to look into it. They said that a medical examination had to be done before opening an assault case, and the assault happened.