Money manager and SA dj Lamiez is a wonderful lady who is likewise known for her costly desire for dress. In addition to the fact that she dresses extravagantly, however she ensures she generally stand apart with her fashion awareness. Her style is extremely extraordinary and furthermore gives a spitfire vibe.
She declared her pregnancy a couple of months prior, and we’ve considering she’ll be wearing all through this period. Here are a portion of her maternity looks.
She shared an image wearing this high contrast dress with a long cut. She wore the dress with high contrast stilettos.
At the point when she declared her pregnancy she wore this plain white dress and decorated with a gold body and head piece.
The dj hadn’t quit going to work, so this is one of the outfits she wore in one of her gigs, she shared on Instagram.
She shook this Amaxhosa dress with a calfskin coat while visiting a historical center.