Congratulations are in order for Dj Lamiez Holworthy-Morule and her husband Khuli Chana after they announced their pregnancy on social media. The South African Dj have recently taken to her social media page where she shared her latest pictures showing her baby dump. The pictures have been trending on social media where she is seen with her mother. Apparently her mother has been the pillar of her strength.
Dj Lamiez was born in 1992. She is a South African Dj and a TV presenter best known for hosting the SABC 1 music show, Live AMP. Dj Lamiez is another young Southern Africa have recently received recognition after she was awarded the awards of the best DJ of the Year 2022. The South African Dj was nominated as the best Amapiano Female DJ in 2021. Dj Lamiez has been sharing her picture on social media after revealing her pregnancy.
The South African Dj is popular, known to be married to her husband Khuli Chana. The couple have been married for three years, and they are expecting their first child together. Dj Lamiez is another actress who has recently announced their pregnancy. We have celebrities like Kelly Khumalo and Masechaba Mdlovu who have shared their pictures on Social media. The Dj Laramie has always been opened up about her pregnancy. The media personality has been showing her pregnancy since she revealed about her pregnancy journey on social media.