DJ Lamiez has decided to be real about the most powerful ancestor in her family.

DJ Lamiez has decided to be real about the most powerful ancestor in her family.

This is coming after a tweep tweeted that people should not allow anyone lie to them revealing maternal ancestors are movers and shakers.

The tweep said: “Maternal ancestors are movers and shakers. Don’t let anyone lie to you.”

Reacting to this, DJ Lamiez shared that her maternal grandmother was the most powerful ancestor in her family.

She revealed she never got the chance to meet her as she was named after her.

DJ Lamiez concluded that every time she gets a message, people mention her a lot.

DJ Lamiez tweeted: “My most powerful ancestor is my maternal grandmother who I never got to meet. I’m named after her and every time I get a message, people mention her.”

See tweet below: