Popular radio host, Thato Sikwane, more affectionately known as DJ Fresh is in search of a young gentleman who was discovered by Tumi Sole. What caught everyone’s attention was the level of confidence that the young man possessed, despite not having the physique for bodybuilding, the young man showed a lot of confidence in what he was doing
“As you prepare for the new week, fosta nje ngo number 177!
Kokota & ngena even when kunzima!“
Please find him and let’s get him a trainer! I know a couple who could transform him“
In a public statement, Fresh claimed that his legal team requested Ntsiki to remove her post, where she made serious accusations against their client DJ Fresh, based on the fact that it was completely false and tarnished the work her has done to promote eradicating Gender Based Violence. The Big Dawg further explained that when Ntsiki refused to retract her statements, he decided to serve her with a lawsuit under the grounds that she has caused reputational damage.