Dineo Ranaka celebrates her daughter being 3 months old with a throw back of when she was pregnant.

Dineo Ranaka celebrates her daughter being 3 months old with a throw back of when she was pregnant.A private life wi guarantee you peace of mind and inner happiness. Social media has become one of the most hurtful places to find yourself in. No one cares about others but themselves. They take pride in hurting others that’s why some people resort to living private lives.




Dineo Ranaka is a reality star, dj, businesswoman, producer, radio and television presenter. She is currently presenting on Metro FM’s ask a man. The dj left Mzansi speechless when she shared a picture of herself holding her new born daughter who was 1 month at that time. She is now a mother of three children.

She received some back lash for the picture she shared with her daughter because she was crying. Which we now understand why she might have kept her pregnancy private. People are very judgemental of other people’s life choices. She has now shared picture of her bump as her daughter turns three months.