Mduduzi Mabaso, known for his role as Bra Mgedeza on “Diepcity,” finds real-life happiness with Fatima Metsileng, a TV producer. Their journey began over 12 years ago, and they have since created a family together, blessed with two children. Mabaso’s portrayal of Bra Mgedeza’s character contrasts with his commitment to his personal life, highlighting his versatility as an actor.
Kgaogelo Monama, who portrays Lerato on “Diepcity,” shares a special connection with Sabelo Ernest Radebe. Their love story resonates with fans as they openly post about their relationship on social media. Speculation about their engagement grew when Kgaogelo was spotted wearing a ring on her left finger, although the details remain unconfirmed.
Lettie Lebogang Mpyana, who brings the character Khelina to life, has found her own romantic rhythm with Mahlatse Vocal, a musician. Their partnership underscores the harmony between their different artistic pursuits, as Lettie shares moments of their relationship on her I