Did You Know This Is How Much Sindi Dlathu “Lindiwe” Earns On The River.

1 magic debuted yet another telenovela in January of 2018 with the river coming into play. The actors and actresses have managed to wow their viewers so far. As the saga unfolds, the suspense, thrill and excitement of guessing what happens next will have you glued to your screen and unflinching.Infact it is sometimes a shocker as they get to watch their tweet actress turn in cunning. Looking them grow in the character into someone you cannot recognise is much talent everyone can never match up to. Lindiwe actually go home with R85,000 to R90,000 per month. This shows that her talent has worth much more.




She has been in the game for years and she knows how to win viewers hearts. Although some people take the character in a wrong way they get angry for real. It’s because when the character go through the same as real life, the talent shows how big you can go as a actor.

Well many this is not one of the shocker as it was bound to happen one way or the other. Since Sindi is leaving the character we don’t know if the character who will get in her shoes will match up her standard. Some actors like Sindi it hard to replace them it even harder to get into their shoes. You might not fit or you might come with your strategy to win the viewers.

No doubts fortune favours the bold and Sindi Dlathu big win can attest to that. We heard that she will be leaving the River soon. But we don’t know if she is taking a break from acting or she will be starting another career. But we will surely see her in a different talent on our screen.