Did Enhle Mbali Just Throw Subtle Shade at Black Coffee?

Did Enhle Mbali Just Throw Subtle Shade at Black Coffee? They say hell hath no fury lie a woman scorned. Could this be the case with Enhle Mbali? It is no secret that the talented actress, fashion designer and businesswoman’s marriage to Black Coffee is almost over.

Although the two try as much as possible to not take their marital woes to social media, here and there they get tempted to. A few days ago, Enhle shared a lengthy post on Instagram talking about how the last three years have tested her physically, mentally an emotionally.

“I have been through so many life changes and I’m greatful as the universe continues to show me my greatness, even when it was being viciously striped away from me, and none existent finish lines were being drawn on the ground and removed just before I reach them, the spirit of hopelessness would knock at my door reminding me of my unhappiness. They will cheat, mistreat you, allow others to mistreat you only because you give them permission,” she said.Well, Enhle has shared another post on Twitter, which many belief is an indirect response to Black Coffee. She shared a hilarious meme, captioned, “Let’s laugh some more. Dear bitter people we have healed, look behind you and seek help.” Ouch!!

“Seek help…. please,” Black Coffee responded to Enhle’s post. His comment has since been deleted, but not before screenshots were taken