Deborah Fraser Writes An Open Letter To Big Zulu

Whenever we love we make sure it’s known, whether we show appreciation in private or in front of the whole world it doesn’t matter. Living in a time of social media it has been made possible to let someone know how you feel about them, simple posts can reach that particular person. Gospel singer Deborah Fraser decided to go that route of showing her love to one of Kwa Zulu Natal celebrated rapper.





Big Zulu is climbing the food chain to the top, he has been able to make a name for himself without any gimmicks, he proved that being simply yourself in an industry of wannabes is the best thing one can do. The Inhlupheko rapper has been releasing singles that have been well received by South Africans, it has been said that his music is relatable by those who love his music. It seems it’s not only music that has gained him fans but his sense of style as well has played its role, female fans are forever praising him for his attire. The Legend Deborah Fraser is among those that love the rapper whole heartedly.

The gospel singer decided to give praise where it’s due, this comes after the release of Ichawe Lenyoka. The rapper recently released his anticipated album a week ago which has been well received by his fans. Deborah posted about Big Zulu’s album and stated how powerful his music was to one’s soul.

“Dear ndodana Big Zulu ngithi angincome umsebenzi omuhle kangaka…. A couple of favourites kodwa ichawe lenyoka is my favourite…. Your music speaks to us and heal us…. uNkulunkulu akufihle njalo mfanae wami. ❤️❤️❤️”

The Imali Eningi rapper thanked Deborah, he stated that this meant a lot to him coming from her.

“Ngiyabonga kakhulu mama ❤️kusho lokhulu lokhu kim 👏🏿 Ngiyabonga mama 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿”

Well this is beautiful, this shows how many people Big Zulu’s music has been able to reach and touch regardless of the genre of music.