Dear South Africans : Read a plea that was made by Lehasa Moloi who opened up about his depression

Actors , musicians , sports personalities , politicians and all other major personalities may appear on television everyday , but they are all human at the end of the day .As they are also human beings , they may also have challenge that are faced by any ordinary human beings. A popular actor Lehasa Moloi reportedly opened up about being depressed and made a plea to the South African family.




In the report that was issued by Times Live , it was claimed that Lehasa Moloi was going through depression.The actor from House of Zwide reportedly took his issue to Instagram and revealed that he couldn’t even talk as he was depressed. As a result of his condition , he made a plea to the South African community . The plea that he made was for prayers in order to help him deal with his current situation.

He reportedly revealed that depression was hitting him hard , and called for prayers .Lehasa is not the only celebrity to open up about his depression , but another musician Samthing Soweto also opened about his situation to the public .

It is a relief that Lehasa managed to open up about his situation . This means that besides the prayer request , those who are close to him can reach out to him and render him the assistance he needs . A few months back , South Africa lost a number of public figures as a result of suicide .

The situation in which Lehasa finds himself in needs to be avoided from ending in tragedy that has befell some popular personalities before . He needs to be supported until he deals with what is troubling him. The South African community needs to pray for him and to reach out to him so that he can get what he needs .