Court Favours DJ Fresh Court says Ntsiki infringed on DJ Fresh’s rights

Johannesburg High Court has ruled in favour of 947’s DJ Fresh and ordered Ntsiki Mazwai to take down her posts ‘tainting’ DJ Fresh’s name.

Read more: Ntsiki Raises Eyebrows On Tracy Zille Account

The court believes Ntsiki did not have enough evidence to back her claim and was ordered to remove her posts which accused Fresh of being a rapist.

Mazwai is also barred from making any more statements about DJ Fresh regarding the matter.

The post read, “I’m on Facebook and there is a thread exposing celebrity rapists… I’m posting all. I’m starting with the allegation against DJ Fresh, because famous men abuse their power.”

Judge Brian Spilg of the high court ordered Ntsiki to refrain from making any more derrogatory statements as she would be robbing Fresh from his rights to dignity, freedom and security and privacy.

The activist had ignited a trending hashtag on social media #SueUsAll, which are women taking a stand and suggesting if legal action is taken against Ntsiki Mazwai than sue all women that have accused men of rape, until they are proven guilty.