Court dismisses Jub-Jub mother urgent application

Jub- Jub’s mother has suffered a loss as the court has struck off her case from the urgent roll.

The ongoing saga between her son, Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye and his two exes, Amanda du Pont and Masechaba Khumalo has taken another level and it seems there won’t be an end anytime soon.

Following the damning allegations made by Du Pont and Khumalo that Jub Jub raped them, they even revealed that Mama Jackie is involved in this.




The two media personalities claimed that Jub Jub and his mother have used umuthi. Recently, Amanda said that there was umuthi in his home as he told her that it is to protect their home.

Amanda dropped all details of what she saw in the house and in Jub Jub’s car. In everything, she said that Mama Jackie is the one behind that as she gave Jub Jub umuthi.

In aims to clear her name, Jaqueline Mpambani filed an urgent application at the court.

In that application, Mpambani wanted Du Pont and Khumlo to remove the posts in which they mention her name while making these damning rape and sexual assault claims against her son.

She claimed that the mention of her name and claims that she used muthi had resulted in her being harrassed.

Mpambani also said that she was not trying to silence the rape allegations against her son but she was merely trying to protect her reputation and have her name cleared by having these two women removing it from their social media posts.

Her lawyer, Vicky Oliveir, argued that Mpambani’s life has been threatened by strangers who believed that she practiced witchcraft and that she she unduly shielded her son.

Bad for her, as the judge has struck her case off the urgent roll as the judge did not find it as a matter of urgency. However,the application is still active and she can enroll the matter for hearing in the normal course.

Du Pont and Khumalo’s lawyer, Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, argued that granting the interdict to his clients to remove their posts would amount to gagging order that would benefit Mpambani’s son, Jub Jub.